Menu Bar Basic Guide in Illustrator

Menu bar is a one of the most important part of every program, it consist some useful and different type of menu to have command on your project. They have also some sub menus; their works are different and gives you a lot of function to perform batter presentation.
Some of those commands of the menu bar can be accessed by using panels and shortcuts key. It helps to reduce your lack of effort during working and good habit to learn menu shortcuts key as you can. It also improves your skills and workflow for fast working experience.
File menu is a common and most important because without it you cannot do anything in the application program. It is a way to entrance in the related program and usually placed in all most every application and software.
The edit menu is given in the illustrator for edit the settings of tools and preference. There are given different type preset setting to get unique result.
The object menu provide you a wide list of powerfull function with perform on object to make more effective and attractive.
Type Menu in Illustrator
Select Menu in Illustrator
Effect Menu in Illustrator
View Menu in Illustrator
Window Menu in Illustrator
Help Menu in Illustrator