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Lighting the Picture



Do you have any dark picture and you want to make lighting. Here, I am going to create light effect to picture in photoshop, it will take some simple step to complete it. I have a sea picture to implement; it has been taken on evening time so it is dard and good for out effects..

Capture any picture to give brightness on; I have selected a picture for learning purpose only. 

creat lighting picture

Make duplicate layer by press Ctrl + J key and change the blending mode of the layer "Normal" to "Screen".

creat lighting picture

Click on the "Adjustment Layer" button in the layer palette and choose Levels, make adjustment of the slider to increase color levels.

creat lighting picture

creat lighting picture

You get this picture.

creat lighting picture

Click on the "Adjustment Layer" button again and choose Levels then change the channel "RGB" to "Green" and make adjustment, do it two times more with changed channels and settings.

creat lighting picture

creat lighting picture

creat lighting picture

Click on the "Adjustment Layer" button again and choose "Brightness/Contrast", make same adjustment, if you want to give more brightness and contrast you can adjust as you like.

creat lighting picture

The lighted picture is completed.

creat lighting picture



Santosh Kumar Web & Graphic designer

Santosh Kumar

This is santosh kumar living in New Delhi (India) and love to work as a Web & Graphic Designing. I like to create sketch, background, illustration and vector graphics. Tutorialbunch.com is a very good place where I express my creativity.

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