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Arrow Loading Icon


Today, we are going to create a curl loading icon in photoshop. you Would you have been seen a arrow loading icon in the many website for the use of page upload and sure you have tried to make it, if you could not success follow this example. I will teach you how to create an black arrow loading icon and sure you will also create your own loading icon.

Take a new document with appropriate size as you required but make sure the document background should be transparent because the background also call on where you want to put you icon.

Select Rectangular Marquee Tool (M key) and draw a selection on the new layer, fill any color as you like. Still selected layer apply gradient color, go Layer menu > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay) and make adjustment of the color.

arrow loading icon

The filled gradient should be look like this.

arrow loading icon

Now you have to convert it to round shape, go Filter menu > Distort > Polar Coordinate, a window will come on the screen and select "Rectangular to Polar" option.

arrow loading icon

Select Pen Tool (P key) and draw an arrow shape by anchor point, put arrow shape on the top of the round shape. Select both shape and merge them to make complete arrow.


arrow loading icon

Make duplicate layer and adjust the position on the first arrow as moving round position.

arrow loading icon

Do upper set more time till you don't have below shape but make sure every arrow should be on the separate layer. I know this is not easy but you have to do it with carefully so please don't make mistake. 

arrow loading icon

Open an animation window by click on the Window Manu and select the Animation. Adjust every arrow layer on by on the separate frame, some of them given below animation window.

arrow loading icon

The arrow loading icon is completed, decrease the file size and enjoy.

arrow loading icon



Santosh Kumar Web & Graphic designer

Santosh Kumar

This is santosh kumar living in New Delhi (India) and love to work as a Web & Graphic Designing. I like to create sketch, background, illustration and vector graphics. Tutorialbunch.com is a very good place where I express my creativity.

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