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Thrills picture Animation


Hi Friends

I have seen animated thrills picture effect in many tutorial website with the help of tuff scripts, it is difficult to understand easily. Therefore we are going to make same thrill picture effect with less script, There are two picture to make thrill effect, as mouse over the image it will react.

Final Thrill Picture Effect

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Take a new document and set the page size as you required but make sure the file size should be large than picture size to move properly on the document, we have taken the size Width ="310", Height ="410".

thrill picture effect

Import the picture go to File Menu > Import > Import to stage (Ctrl + R) and click all three red color option in align palette to align the picture into the document.

thrill picture effect

Click on the picture and press F8 to convert the picture into movie clip then named it "pages". Still selected layer select second frame and double click on picture and select the layer then press F6.

thrill picture effect

thrill picture effect

Convert the both frames picture into movie clip (press F8). Then double Click on second frame layer and rotate the picture to change the position like below.

thrill picture effect

Select second frame and press F6 key then change the position again, do this step three time more with different position. I have given below the pictures.

thrill picture effect

thrill picture effect

thrill picture effect

thrill picture effect

After rotation with different position of the picture, select all the five frame and pull right side by hold "Alt" key with mouse to make copy. Now make selection copied frame and right click then choose "Reverse Frames" option.

thrill picture effect

Now Come back on "Scene 1" by the click on. Insert a new layer and create a rectangle shape by Rectangle tool (R key) over the image after created shape press F8 key to convert the rectangle into button, double click on the rectangle shape and press F6 key on hit layer and delete the all rest of 3 Frames up, over, down. 

thrill picture effect

thrill picture effect

Now come back again "Scene 1", select the rectangle and press F9 to write the script as I have done below.



It is time to test movie, press Alt + Enter.

  • Thrill Picture Animation

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