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Flip Changed Pictures effect


This is an animated Flip changed Pictures tutorial. I will teach you how can create this type of effect without action script, it can be use in the presentation and movie project. I have two different type of picture to filp. You will also learn import the picture and adjust on the document, frame settings and many things in the flash.

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

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First of all import the file which you want to use in this effect, press Ctrl + R to import the picture. After Imported the picture match the size of document with picture size by the help of align pallet (press all three option showing in red color). I have take the file size 250*340. you should take the size of document as you required.

flip picture effect

sketching picture

Convert the picture to Movie Clip, press F8 key and click on the Movie Clip button that press F6 on 30 frame, now reflect the picture and shrink the image as below through free transform tool (Q key).

sketching picture

Press F6 again on 31 frame and import another picture of same size then make align the picture as done upper step. Press F8 and convert the picture to Movie Clip and shrink the image size as previous picture by again transform tool (Q key).

sketching picture

Now press F6 on 61 frame and set actual picture on this frame as given here.

sketching picture

One step is left to get the final result, Now Right Click on any frame and choose "Create Motion Tween" option. Apply this step again on the frame that is showing by yellow arrow.

sketching picture

Press Ctrl + Enter and test the movie, Thanks.

  • Flip the Picture Animation

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